/What Fans Don’t Realize About Forrest Gump

What Fans Don’t Realize About Forrest Gump

Forrest Gump is an award-winning film, and unforgettable in its plots and themes, but there are a lot of details that the producers don’t want you to know. It’s in all those secrets, unknown facts and embellishments, though, that some of the real beauty (and our fascination) with this film are found.

The film helped to launch the careers, and further the importance of many of our favorite actors: Tom Hanks, Sally Field, Haley Joel Osment, Mykelti Williamson, and more. Learn more about the Forrest Gump: the movie, the lives it touched, and the legacy we’ve all come to cherish.

Tom Hanks’ Brother Was His Double


One of the most memorable takeaways from Forrest Gump is the classic line, “Run Forrest, Run!” Throughout the film, Forrest finds himself running away from bullies, into the endzone, saving his comrades, and running across the country. Although the character of Forrest could run endlessly, that wasn’t the case for Tom Hanks.

In fact, he actually needed a body double for a few of his running scenes, and who else better than his brother? One of the most notable scenes is when Forrest is running across the bridge, except it’s his brother Jim Hanks!

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