Kim Kardashian and Ray J Got Email Early on About Sex Tape Profits
Kim Kardashian and Ray J‘s sex tape was a success right out of the gate, making more than a million bucks in the first 6 weeks after its release … and according to an email sent to them, they were both making serious bank.
We’ve obtained an email from Vivid Entertainment honcho Steve Hirsch dated May 1, 2007, in which he informs Kim the tape made $1,424,636.63 in revenue, including the majority, $1,255,578.50, coming from DVD sales.
It’s interesting … the tape was released on March 14, 2007. Kim filed a lawsuit on February 21, 2007, against Vivid, claiming she didn’t authorize the release of the tape. That case was dismissed — presumably, it was settled — April 27, 2007. Just 4 days later, Kim got the email from Vivid on sales numbers.
Ray J said over the weekend, Kim actually signed on from the get-go, and even produced his contract with a list of the sex tapes … saying Kim wrote the inventory list. He also produced a letter from her and says it’s the exact same handwriting.
Hirsch has openly talked about the deal in the past, calling it a “difficult deal to get done” because he says Kim truly did not want the tape out.
Ray J Goes Off On Kris Jenner, Kim Kardashian, Saying They Lied About Sex Tape
Ray J says their deal was that each would receive $400,000 plus 12.5% of the profits. Those figures are reflected in Hirsch’s email to Kim and Ray J.
Ray also claims Kris Jenner actually looked at both sex tapes and chose the one where Kim looked the best. BTW … we’re told Kris’ signature is not in the contract. Hirsch has also maintained Kris had no role in selling the tape.
As for the 2 sex tapes, Ray J says one was shot in Cabo and the other in Santa Barbara. The Santa Barbara tape has never been released.
Ray J says he has hundreds of other receipts to back up his claim. He went on a tear after Kris took a lie detector test that she says proved she was not involved in the sale of the tape.