/Patton Oswalt Helps Twitter Troll Raise Money for Medical Bills 

Patton Oswalt Helps Twitter Troll Raise Money for Medical Bills 

Patton Oswald Helps Men Boost GoFundMe Account
WATCH WHAT HAPPENS LIVE WITH ANDY COHEN — Pictured: Patton Oswalt Charles Sykes/Bravo/NBCU Photo Bank via Getty Images

Kill ‘em with kindness, indeed. Patton Oswalt proved to be a shining example of the old adage when he helped out a man, who was giving him a hard time on Twitter, pay for his medical bills.

The Secret Life of Pets 2 star, 49, responded to disparaging comments a commenter named Michael Beatty left for him about being happy his character died in Blade Trinity and referring to Oswalt as a “sawed off little man” by sharing Beatty’s GoFundMe account with his 4.45 million followers.

“Aw, man. This dude just attacked me on Twitter and I joked back but then I looked at his timeline and he’s in a LOT of trouble health-wise,” the Zombie Spaceship Wasteland author tweeted on Thursday, January 24. “I’d be pissed off too. He’s been dealt some s–tty cards — let’s deal him some good ones. Click and donate — just like I’m about to.”

Oswalt also included a link to the Vietnam veteran’s fundraising page, which had only reached roughly $550 of the $5,000 he needed to pay for his medical bills after he was forced to spend two weeks in the hospital in December with sepsis and diabetic ketoacidosis.

Within hours, the Grammy winner’s fans had raised thousands of dollars for the serviceman, far exceeding his goal — as of press time, donations totaled $14,540.

Beatty was stunned beyond belief, thanking his benefactor for his kind deed. “Patton. You have humbled me to the point where I can barely compose my words,” he tweeted on Thursday. “You have caused me to take pause and reflect on how harmful words from my mouth could result in such an outpouring.”

He also seconded a fan who proclaimed the comedian as “one of the best dudes around,” writing, “Amen @pattonoswalt . Let me know when you’re going to perform anywhere close to me and I’ll be there.”

Hours later, Beatty took to Twitter once more to express his gratitude for those that donated to his cause. “I want to thank everyone who came to my aid with generous outpourings- and also to @pattonoswalt without whom I would not be the recipient of so much love and support,” he tweeted. “I’m not a man who ever cries but I had to wait to send this.”

Oswalt responded in kind, writing, “See, THIS is why compassion and forgiveness are the best,” but not without adding a joking zinger. “Wait, you CRIED?!?” he teased. “You f–kin p–y! Donation CANCELLED.”

“OK, I didn’t cry!” Beatty wrote. “A gnat flew in one eye and made it tear up!”

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