/Celebrities That Could Have Been Golf Pros

Celebrities That Could Have Been Golf Pros

Golf is a favorite pastime of a lot of celebrities. It’s a leisurely sport that a lot of celebrities have found that they’re quite good at. A lot of celebs also get involved in playing 18 holes for charity. Because they find themselves on a golf course so often, many celebs have pretty impressive golf skills.

Justin Timberlake and Bill Murray are two of the most respected celebrity golfers, and Tony Romo’s game is so strong he’s making a push to get professionally ranked! Keep reading to find out more about these celebs who are almost golf pros.

Justin Timberlake

Justin timberlake best celebrity golfers

Justin Timberlake was into golf as a kid. He became a celebrity when he was quite young and was able to spend some time on the course, and at one point, he even proclaimed that he would be a professional golfer by the time he was 30. Well, Timberlake’s 30th birthday has come and gone and he’s still not a pro golfer.

He is an international pop star, though, so he’s got that going for him. Timberlake once compared singing and golfing. He said, “The golf swing is very, very rhythmic. There’s a certain tempo to it, just like in music. It just made sense to me. Music is everything to me.”

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