/Heart-Warming! How Prince Harry Honored Duchess Meghan on Valentines Day

Heart-Warming! How Prince Harry Honored Duchess Meghan on Valentines Day

Duchess Meghan warmed Prince Harry’s heart from thousands of miles away as he celebrated Valentine’s Day in the snowy city of Bardufoss, Norway.

The Duke of Sussex, 34, — who is expecting his first child with Meghan, 37, in April or May — attended to royal duties on Thursday, February 14, while visiting the Exercise Clockwork military operation located 200 miles inside the Arctic Circle.

Prince Harry Valentines Day Igloo Wedding Photos
Prince Harry sits in a Quincey Shelter, a makeshift shelter built of snow, during a visit to Exercise Clockwork in Bardufoss, Norway on February 14, 2019. Victoria Jones – Pool/Getty Images

Military personnel onsite, who are trained in survival amid extreme weather conditions, escorted Harry into the Quincey Shelter igloo, where a surprise awaited him. The space was adorned with photos from the prince’s May 2018 wedding to Meghan, along with candles and music to help set the mood.

“You weirdos,” the Captain General Royal Marines joked as he took in the tribute. “It’s very kind of you to invite me into your private shrine or whatever you want to call it. And the music, is that part of it? Romantic, isn’t it?”

Prince Harry Valentines Day Igloo Wedding Photos
Prince Harry sits in a Quincey Shelter, a makeshift shelter built of snow, during a visit to Exercise Clockwork in Bardufoss, Norway on February 14, 2019. Victoria Jones – Pool/Getty Images

Although Harry had to briefly leave London for business, he has been doting on the former actress throughout her pregnancy. “Harry’s being his usual, amazing self around Meghan. He’s been keeping an eye on her to ensure she doesn’t overwork because she’s not the best at knowing when to put the brakes on — that will be Harry’s job,” a source exclusively told Us Weekly earlier this month, noting that the Suits alum has been “full of energy and in good spirits.”

As the royal couple prepare for parenthood, they’ve turned to Harry’s brother, Prince William, and his wife, Duchess Kate, for guidance. “Both of them have spoken to Harry and Meghan about parenting, giving a few bits of advice head of the arrival of the baby,” added the insider of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, who share Prince George, 5, Princess Charlotte, 3, and Prince Louis, 9. “Having been through it a few times, their ‘tricks of the trade’ have definitely been appreciated. Harry and Meghan are totally open to all help and advice.” 

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