/These Actors Regret Taking On Their Most Iconic Roles

These Actors Regret Taking On Their Most Iconic Roles

When you think about the big movies that launched various actors’ careers, you probably assume that these actors were grateful for the opportunity. Their lives have changed so much because of a single movie role and now they have adoring fans, a whole bunch of money, and a career in an industry that’s very hard to break into. Well, some actors aren’t so happy about every role they’ve ever played.

The actors on this list ended up regretting some of their most iconic roles for a variety of reasons. Some hated the film while others hated the character. Whatever the reasons are, watching these actors onscreen will never be the same.

George Reeves Thought Playing Superman Killed His Career

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The first actor for play Superman on the small screen was George Reeves in the 1950s show The Adventures of Superman. While Reeves took the part very seriously because he knew the impact he would have on kids, he absolutely hated it.

He constantly referred to the role as “beneath his dignity” and said that getting into costume was like wearing a “monkey suit.” Reeves didn’t even appreciate the fame it gave him because, for years afterward, he’d have entire roles cut because directors thought his famous face would distract audiences.

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