/Bette Midler hits back at fans who accused her of being transphobic

Bette Midler hits back at fans who accused her of being transphobic

Bette Midler has hit back at social media users who accused her of being transphobic, after she claimed that women were ‘being erased’ through the use of terms ‘menstruators’ and ‘birthing people.’

The actress, 76, took to Twitter to clarify her post was referencing a New York Times opinion piece which had been published in the wake of the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe V Wade.

After several users warned Bette her words could be viewed as transphobic, she responded: ‘PEOPLE OF THE WORLD! My tweet about women was a response to this fascinating and well written piece in the NYT July 3rd.’

Clarified: Bette Midler has hit back at users who accused her of being transphobic, after she claimed women were 'being erased' while blasting terms 'menstruators' and 'birthing people'

Clarified: Bette Midler has hit back at users who accused her of being transphobic, after she claimed women were ‘being erased’ while blasting terms ‘menstruators’ and ‘birthing people’

She added: ‘There was no intention of anything exclusionary or transphobic in what I said; it wasn’t about that.

‘It was about the same old s*** women – ALL WOMEN – have been putting up with since the cavemen. 

‘Even then, men got top billing. But seriously, folks, if anyone who read that tweet thinks I have anything but love for any marginalized people, go to Wikipedia and type in my name.’

Explanation: The actress took to Twitter to clarify her post was referencing an opinion piece which had been published in the wake of the Supreme Court's overturning of Roe V Wade

 Explanation: The actress took to Twitter to clarify her post was referencing an opinion piece which had been published in the wake of the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe V Wade

The Grammy-winning entertainer said that she has ‘fought for marginalized people for as long as [she] can remember,’ adding that ‘if you want to dismiss my 60 years of proven love and concern over a tweet that accidentally angered the very people I have always supported and adored, so be it.

‘The truth is, Democracy is slipping through our fingers!

‘I’m all in on trying to save Democracy for ALL PEOPLE. We must unite, because, in case you haven’t been paying attention, divided we will definitely fall.’

Raging: In her original tweet, Bette had hit out at the article's use of the terms 'birthing people' and 'menstruators', claiming women 'shouldn't be erased'

 Raging: In her original tweet, Bette had hit out at the article’s use of the terms ‘birthing people’ and ‘menstruators’, claiming women ‘shouldn’t be erased’

In her original tweets, Bette had hit out at the terms ‘birthing people’ and ‘menstruators’, claiming women ‘shouldn’t be erased.’

She said: ‘WOMEN OF THE WORLD! We are being stripped of our rights over our bodies, our lives and even of our name! 

‘They don’t call us ‘women’ anymore; they call us ‘birthing people’ or ‘menstruators’, and even ‘people with vaginas’! Don’t let them erase you! Every human on earth owes you!’

Opinionated: It is not the first time Bette (pictured in 2019) has waded into the culture war battle, although she generally sticks to the progressive side of the online battle-lines.

Opinionated: It is not the first time Bette (pictured in 2019) has waded into the culture war battle, although she generally sticks to the progressive side of the online battle-lines.

Midler’s initial comments generated a swift reaction, with 11,000 retweets and 61,000 likes in less than 12 hours.

In the New York Times opinion piece published Sunday, columnist Pamela Paul blasted the use of terms such as ‘birthing people’ and ‘menstruators.’ 

Supporters say the controversial terms are inclusive of transgender men and non-binary people, but critics say they effectively erase another historically-oppressed minority – women.

Tennis icon Martina Navratilova – who has herself angered trans activists by questioning whether it’s fair to let trans women compete in some sports – was among Midler’s supporters.

She said:  ‘Careful Bette- you will be called transphobic too or worse…,’ she said, with the ‘horrified’ emoji.

Hitting back: Midler received a number of varied responses to her initial tweet on the controversial topic

Hitting back: Midler received a number of varied responses to her initial tweet on the controversial topic 

Comedian Shaparak Khorsandi joked: ”I’m excited about drinks with some birthing people I went to school with… we are having a proper mensturators night out!’ Let me know when this happens. Right now it’s just a kind nod to inclusion of a tiny minority.’

And singer Bradley James Skistimas, known as Five Times August, tweeted: ‘I agree with you on this. Is your account hacked?

‘Also, where were you when women of the world were being forced and coerced to get a vaccine jabbed into their bodies?’

But as predicted, thousands of others quickly descended on the famously-liberal Midler to accuse her of bigotry.  

‘No,’ said Irish drag queen and gay rights activist Dr Panti Bliss-Cabrera.

‘Don’t fall for the anti-trans panic fake nonsense. No one is erasing women. 

‘In a few small healthcare cases where appropriate they are using trans inclusive language. That’s all.’

Derry Girls actress Siobhan McSweeney replied: ‘This isnt true. xxx’

Dr Jacqui Lewis, senior minister at the Middle Collegiate Church in New York City, said it did not need to be a ‘them or us’ scenario.

‘Using gender-inclusive language does not deny my womanhood,’ she said. 

‘Liberation is collective.’

Author Chanda Prescod-Weinstein tweeted: ‘The stupidity of TERF semantics knows no bounds.’ 

TERF stands for ‘trans-exclusionary radical feminist,’ and is a term used to describe women who don’t believe that transgender women should be afforded all sex-based protection rights that correspond to their gender.  

Trans journalist Niko Stratis said: ‘The issue with Bette Midler’s post is how the language is a direct line from that NYT op-ed, the power of the paper of record to play on peoples fears, insecurities and lack of proper information creates this space where the idea that trans people are erasing women becomes real.’

It is not the first time Midler has waded into the culture war battle, although she generally sticks to the progressive side of the online battle-lines. 

In May she sparked outrage by responding to the nationwide shortage of baby formula with the message: ‘TRY BREASTFEEEDING! It’s free and available on demand.’

It was immediately met with a wall of criticism from figures as diverse as Stephen Miller, Donald Trump‘s hardline speechwriter, and John Oliver’s executive producer.

Many pointed out that a significant percentage of women are unable to breastfeed, despite their best attempts – one lactation consultant and author, Diana Cassar-Uhl, put the figure at 12-15 percent of all mothers.

Others noted that some babies have specific dietary conditions, and do not respond well to breastmilk.

Others still pointed out that tens of thousands of babies are adopted, and others born via surrogates.

And gay men – who comprise a huge faction of Midler’s fan base – were also angered by Midler’s remark, highlighting that a gay male couple wouldn’t be able to breastfeed their baby or toddler. 

Tim Carvell, the executive producer of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, tweeted: ‘Imagine having a large gay fanbase, many of whom are raising kids in two-dad households, and thinking this is a good suggestion.’

Miller, the staunchly loyal Trump aide, tweeted in response to Midler: ‘What a profoundly offensive & ignorant statement.

‘There are countless reasons why breastfeeding is not an option for many mothers—too many to get into here. And if you’ve been using formula you can’t just flip a switch. Not to mention millions of babies with milk/food allergies…’

Ilyse Hogue, president of the progressive social change campaign, Purpose, tweeted: ‘Bette, respectfully, this is a very bad take. I had twins. I didn’t produce enough milk for both. Without formula, I would have had to have chosen which one got to eat. To say nothing of kids that get separated from the birth mothers very young.’

One replied: ‘I love you Bette, but this is not okay. I fought to breastfeed my son, he kept losing weight, despite my best efforts, including lactation experts.

‘It was emotional and heartbroken I felt like a failure and at 3 months switched to formula, because of the stress it put on me and my son.’

Another joked: ‘No biggie, Bette says just get a wet nurse! (Never mind they charge $1000+ per week and that’s something working families cannot afford, especially in a time where EVERYTHING costs more.)’

Midler, however, doubled down, adding: ‘People are piling on because of former tweet. No shame if you can’t breastfeed, but if you can & are somehow convinced that your own milk isn’t as good as a ‘scientifically researched product’, that’s something else again.

‘The monopoly news is news to me, tho, no lie. #WETNURSES’

She also said she had confidence in President Joe Biden to find a solution.

Elise Stefanik, the Republican House conference chair, tweeted that Biden ‘has NO PLAN.’

In response, Midler then retweeted a comment from podcast host Brian Tyler Cohen.

‘Aside from the fact that you want to starve babies and accuse anyone who disagrees with you of being a pedophile, Joe Biden actually DOES have a plan,’ said Cohen.

‘It’s right here. You are lying.’

He attached a link to the White House’s factsheet from Thursday, detailing the steps they were taking to get the problem under control. 

Speaking out: In response to the criticism, Bette then retweeted a comment from podcast host Brian Tyler Cohen

Speaking out: In response to the criticism, Bette then retweeted a comment from podcast host Brian Tyler Cohen

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